Chapman Rod Specifications
The Peter Stone ledgerstrike 10′ 2 piece 1lbs T.C.
Blank Specifications.
Butt 60″ Tip 60″
0″ 0.360 ” 0″ 0.095
16.5″ 0.424″ 14.5″ 0.158
33″ 0.460″ 18.5″ 0.170
38″ 0.485″ 60″ 0.340
42″ 0.585″
0″ 0.655″
Cork handle. 28″ x 7/8″ with two 7/8″ alloy sliding winch fittings. Rubber button end, fitted to internal brass ferrule.
Ferrule. Brass suction ferrule 24/64.
Guide spacing as above. Guide sizes Butt Aqualite 25mm, Stand-off size 5. Or 25mm Thread-line.
Top Stand-off sizes 4,4,3,2,1,1, size 1 stand-off Aqualite tip.
Intermediate wrappings Three small intermediate above handle Butt 1¼” intervals Start 3” above handle Top 1″ intervals Wrappings: Wine or dark Brown.